It's likely that we all spend a little more time online that we would like to admit... even despite not having any time for ourselves, we do in fact end up browsing the internet or breezing over our friend's Facebook, Instagram, vine or Pinterest pages more than we let on.
It's amazing how our world has been invaded by cyberspace, the little ways that we unconsciously end up online, have you ever really counted the minutes? It's so very easy to get "lost" in that little screen. It's like it emits some kind of pulse that attracts our brains and sucks us in... it's not all bad though. I'm a creature of habit, I like to go through my inbox every morning to delete all the mail that I subscribe to but never read. Occasionally there is something that catches my eye, and when that happens it usually leads to at least 20 minutes online. With the constant pinging of messages hitting my inbox, it's not surprising that I lose on average 30 minutes a day if not more. I do however sometimes end up reading a nugget of information in one of the articles that betters my knowledge of the world around me, the real-world.
So, despite living in an online world where everything is at our fingertips and time is to be lost surfing the net, we do live in real-time, online too.
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